Proud & Inspired By Kelly



Kelly is a 24 year-old cardiac nurse who is working in a major New Jersey hospital. Like all healthcare workers in the world, she is committed to her profession, but Kelly has been exposed to an environment she could have never imagined. Within a matter of weeks, her days and nights have become extremely long.   

Ever since the pandemic, Kelly's unit changed from taking care of cardiac patients to taking care of patients suffering from COVID-19. Before this, Kelly's patients suffered from heart attacks, had open heart surgery and  underwent other cardiac procedures.

Life as an RN is filled with challenges and rewards. We had to feature her after we caught her Instagram Story using Retexturizing Peel.

Who inspired you to become a nurse?

I grew up in a family of nurses. My aunt, mom, and sister are all nurses and they inspired me to go into this profession.   They all have such a respect for the medical community.

Also I come from a family of four girls and our parents raised us to be very independent. I think this made me and my sisters very caring and nurturing people.

What are your skin concerns?

My concerns are dryness, but now my skin is breaking out from wearing a mask for 13 hour shifts.

How has Retexturizing Peel helped you?

The peel has helped my skin's texture and glow! I love how it makes my skin feel smooth.  Also, it helps me de-stress after a long shift at the hospital.

I prefer a more natural look and when I peel regularly, I don’t need to wear much makeup.

I am of Irish decent and have the classic very fair skin type. My skin can be rather sensitive so I am cautious what I put on it. 

Do You Have A Beauty Secret You Will Share?

Vitamin C on my face is essential to protect from skin damage!

Who Taught You About Skincare?

My roommates in college! We all started doing face masks together. Also as a nurse I had to take all the biology classes so I learned so much about my skin.  

What do you not leave home without (beauty or fashion)?

Sunscreen and lip balm! Especially in the summer.

Do you have a role model or mentor?

Taylor Swift! Been obsessed with her since middle school and I still am!

What is your favorite way to relax, hobby or workout routine?

Sports were a huge part of my life growing up. I ran track in high school and running is still a hobby of mine that helps me de-stress and clear my head.

I just did the Disney Princess Half Marathon. It is 13.1 miles thorough Disney parks and it was so much fun. Listening to all the Disney music got me to the finish line.

Do you have a favorite quote?

"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard." -Tim Notke

What is your philosophy in life?

I have always pushed myself very hard to achieve. But being a nurse is very serious and puts life into perspective. So when I’m not working I think it really important to have a good time and surround myself with my friends. 

 Meet Kelly