Accountant Skin

Client Study #EL-106

Profile: 30-something accountant in the midst of tax season.  She has no free time and she does not choose to spend on luxurious facials and expensive cosmetics.  She learned about the peel kit from her sister, who is a beauty blogger.  

Concerns:  She as an oily T-zone area, her skin is no longer even and her pores appear wide. Her skin is sensitive skin so she is cautious about aggressive skin treatments.   Makeup has not a priority for our client and she prefers a more natural professional look.  On the weekends she slips into her yoga gear and opts-out of makeup.  

Results:   She has seen a complete change in her skin.  Although her skin is a bit sensitive, she had great success with the at home peel.  Her skin tone became more even and her pores appear much smaller.

"A peel like this for less than $10 is such good value.  
If I went to salon it would cost me $100 for peel like this."


She now uses Retexturizing Peel kit weekly and has total control of her skin.

She glows and she is empowered.

#GetGlowing #ELPeels #Skin Peels #PeelCult
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