Why is Vita-C Great for Your Skin?

It's no unknown secret that vitamin C provides huge benefits for your skin.

Not only does it help refine your pores and give your skin a youthful, healthy glow, it also does various other things... like what? Read on!

Do you have rosacea, acne, or clogged skin? 

Vita-C Peel Plus Pads are ideal for all skin types, whether it be oily, dry, or just normal. The antioxidants in the pads provide anti-aging agents while fighting free radicals and helping to smooth skin complexion. And these pads tone your skin... in addition to removing impurities. It's also helpful in collagen production, to help revitalize and repair your skin.

So why not treat your skin to Ellen Lange Vita-C Peel Plus Pads after daily cleansing? It has various added benefits and can even be used alongside the Ellen Lange Retexturizing Skin Peel Kit --> http://www.ellenlange.com/products/retexturizing-peel-kit.


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