Hollywood's Guru of Hue: Jill Kirsh
Jill Kirsh is considered “Best Color Consultant” by Los Angeles Magazine. So when
celebrities are going on the "road", attending a gala or building a high-profile wardrobe, Jill is the first one in. Jill provides guidelines for
stylist, dressmakers & makeup artists. Color sets the mood and determines
how people to react. Color enhances the good features and even make some less
attractive ones, disappear.
Along with her numerous TV appearances, Jill has been
featured in InStyle Magazine and The Los Angeles Times. In addition, she has
contributed her services to The Beauty Bus, The Fulfillment Fund and
Dress 4 Success.
"I grew up in NYC. Both my parents were in the fashion industry and while I
was doing theatre and film as an actress, I also worked both on the wholesale
and retail sides of the fashion business. So it was actually a combination of
working in fashion combined with being on camera, that I saw the importance of
color and the impact it creates.
Based on my years of doing one- on- one consultations with clients from all
over the world, I discovered what truly works and what to leave behind. I've
created an innovative, unique & fun system so everyone can look their
absolute best every day and at every price point. My Color System is entirely
based on your present hair color - Deep Brunette, Golden Brown & Red, Warm
Blonde, Ash Blonde, Platinum & Gray - and it provides you with the tools
that take you from fashion to your best shades for the eyes, cheeks & lips.
The system works for everything from driving carpool in sweats and sunglasses
to party dresses, stilettos and jewels!
The truth is, when you're wearing your best shades, you glow. You look
naturally beautiful. You need way less makeup. You look younger, vibrant, more
alive and thinner (yes!).

I've had lots of fun color jobs where sometimes I think, no would really
believe this! Last year I was flying back to LA after doing some media and an in
store event, which meant I had my color swatches in the overhead compartment. I
was sitting next to these two guys who stared chatting and asked what I did.
When I started explaining it, they were very interested and really tried to
grasp the concept. So I took down my swatches to demonstrate what I was talking
about and they really got into it. I held all the different shades of fabric up
against each guy as they looked into a mirror and they were totally amazed by
the difference each shade created. One guy had me take pictures of him with his
i phone holding up all his best shades! Then a gal sitting right behind us
stared to participate and was totally amazed by the celeb before & after
photos I had. This was a very fun flight, and one of many where similar kinds
of things tend to occur. It's just that this time, it was instigated by the
I don't have a favorite skin care treatment. I try lots of different
things. Many people have asked me to try their systems, but I'm very A to B and
some brands have way too many steps that although they might be fabulous, I
probably wouldn't do it. But over the past few months, I've had more attention
on finding something I love and where I can actually see results. I'll go into a
store and there are just way too many choices and way to many promises!"
For more information on Jill Kirsh visit www.jillkirshcolor.com or call 1-800-315-0108.
-- as told to Ellen Lange